Aircraft Entry-Into-Service

Discover how Sunclass Airlines overcome training challenges for their new aircraft.

Overcoming Training Challenges for New Aircraft Entry-Into Service

Sunclass Airlines faced the high cost and logistical difficulties of training their crew on a new aircraft before its delivery. Traditional options were either expensive or impractical, risking either high travel expenses or grounding the aircraft.

How did Sunclass Airlines overcome the training challenges?

Virtual Cabin Equipment Trainer

Air Greenland introduced an innovative training solution featuring 360° high-definition images, creating detailed aircraft replica. The interactive, virtual content was engaging, easy to use, and accessible on iPads and phones, ensuring a user-friendly experience for the crew. Additionally, the solution complied with local aviation authorities, meeting all regulatory standards.

Regulatory Compliance

Cabin Equipment Trainer helps Sunclass Airlines meet regulatory requirements quickly and easily. It reduces the need for on-site training, so the crew becomes compliant faster, allowing the airline to start flying sooner.
"The cockpit procedure trainer enables students to see the inside of the flightdeck and follow the flow of the procedures during the various training exercises. It is very useful for students who are learning the initial setup of the aircraft on the ground."
Locate the arming lever
Check the visual indicator

Efficient Blended Learning

Sunclass Airlines combines at-home learning with classroom training. The Cabin Equipment Trainer lets crew learn safety procedures remotely, while instructors use the aircraft replica in class to highlight aircraft differences.

Saves time, simplifies logistics.
"The cockpit procedure trainer enables students to see the inside of the flightdeck and follow the flow of the procedures during the various training exercises. It is very useful for students who are learning the initial setup of the aircraft on the ground."

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Case Study Results

classroom hands-on training
reduction in aircraft visits for pilots
introduction of the new aircraft into service
By introducing the Cabin Equipment Trainer, Sunclass Airlines maximized hands-on classroom training, eliminated aircraft visits for pilots, and sped up the new aircraft’s entry into service.
Nicolai Bondo Rasmussen, NP crew training at Sunclass
We are trying to establish Virtual Training Academy to provide the best training for our crews where they are. Training with virtual trainers helped our flight crew achieve better standards in their competencies.
Join others already using virtual cabin trainer

Transform Your Training Today

Enhance hands-on training, reduce logistical challenges, and speed up aircraft deployment with Panomio’s Cabin Equipment Trainer. Join Sunclass Airlines in revolutionizing your crew training. Contact us to learn more and get started.